Monday, February 20, 2012

Presentation 2: Treatment Writing Component

Treatment 1:

1. Author Name: Lay Mei

2. Title of Show: Coffee talks with the world language and culture

3. Format of Show:Talks show

4. Target Audience: All age group

5. Opportunity or Problem Addressed: To understand language in different culture have differences and how language be used to understand the culture of others.

6. Desired Response: Awareness from people all around the world

7. Logline: Do you know that languages in different culture have differences?In this shows, we will invite people all around the world to share their common language and culture. Lets see the differences.

8. Themes: Reality-based

9. Treatment:
Coffee talks with the world language and culture is a talks show which will invite people all around the world. People from Asia, western and European country will be the guests and share with the audience about their language and culture in their country. At the beginning of the talks show, the host will first asking the guest do they aware that language do have differences. From what they have seen and know, the guest will share and discuss with other guests about their language. Besides, the guests will also teaching the audiences to learn and speak their language.

During the shows, the guest from Asia, western and European country will tell the audiences how many language they know and the guests will share their experiences in learning other languages. Additionally, the guests will also share with the audiences about learning more languages is very useful because they can used language to understand the culture of others. The guest from Japan tell the audience about people in their country like to nod even they don't agree on something.

Before the end of the show, a video about the language and culture of few country will be show to the audiences in order to bring a deepest understanding. In every episodes,15 minutes will be given to the audience for asking question. The guests will answering the question and the show will be end.

Episodes 1: Introduction of the show and started to introducing the guests. Then the host will starting to ask question toward the guest about the language difference in their culture.

Episodes 2: This episodes will discussing about the culture of every guests. The guests from Asia, western and European country will showing a few video clips which describing about the culture of their country.

Episodes 3: Every guests will teach the audiences to speak their country language and learning to know about their culture.

Treatment 2:
1. Author Name: Lay Mei

2. Title of Show: Game with language

3. Format of Show: Game Show

4. Target Audience: All age group

5. Opportunity or Problem Addressed: To increase the learning and understanding of different languages

6. Desired Response: People can learning more languages

7. Logline: Learning, understanding and enjoying languages to a new level

8.Themes: Reality-based

The Game show opens with the host introducing the team members. There are three team and each team is form by 4 people. Team 1 consists of children between the ages of 7-12 years old, Team 2 consists of youngster between the ages of 13-18 years old and Team 3 consists of adult between the ages of 21-26 years old.

The game will be separate into three part and every team must be answering in first and second round. In the first round, the host will be asking a close-ended question about "give an example of word which is same spelling and pronunciation but has different meaning. The team who is most quickly answering the question and giving the correct example will be the winner.

In second round, a voice over will be broadcast. Then, the host will require the team to find out what types of languages it is. After concluding the marks for first and second round, the team who score the first and second highest mark will proceed to the last round.

Come to the last round, the game will bring to outdoor. The two team will need to use the video camera and shoot a three minutes short video. The requirement of the video is the team must have at least 15 languages in speaking the sentences "can you help me". They must record the person who speak "can you help me" in their common languages. The team will be given 20 minutes to complete the video, the team who can complete and submit the video on time will be the winner. Prizes will be given to the winner by traveling to Bali.

Treatment 3:
1. Author Name: Lay Mei

2. Title of Show: Caucasian study life in China

3. Format of Show : Reality Television series

4. Target Audience: All age group

5. Opportunity or Problem Addressed: To examine whether learning more languages can get deepest understanding on culture of others.

6. Desired Response: The audience can learn through the language and culture of China

7. Logline: An interview with the student that reviews of their experience studying mandarin in China.

8. Themes: Reality-based


An interview with the student from western and European country about their reviews in studying mandarin in China. It will started with the student spend a semester abroad with The Education Abroad Network in China wandering hidden "hutongs" in Beijing or marveling at the majesty of Shanghai's Bund. They are prepare to slurp noodles with the locals, delight eager schoolchildren with a simple "hello," and even impress themselves with adventurous culinary experiences.

In the period of study mandarin in China, the student have learn on the culture of China such as using chopstick to eat, they use mandarin to communicate with the locals, they look through their Chinese temple and hiking great wall. The student also visit to the local family and see through the traditional Chinese culture.

After few months learning mandarin in China, the student found that Chinese does not oblige its speakers to specify the exact time of the action and they found the same verb form can be used for past, present or future actions. They also found that China people like to use snake, cat and dog meat to cook soup during winter, because they believe that those thing can help them to keep their body warm.

The student conclude that after learning mandarin, they started to know and understand more about the Chinese culture. They feel that Chinese culture is totally different from the culture of their country.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Presentation 1: Research component

Society and Culture: Languages

Do languages in different culture have differences?

1) Introduction:
Language may refer either to the specifically human capacity for acquiring and using complex systems of communication, or to a specific instance of such a system of complex communication. Additionally, language is processed in many different locations in the human brain. The use of language has become deeply entrenched in human culture. Apart from being used to communicate and share information, language also has social and cultural uses, such as signifying group identity, social stratification and for social grooming and entertainment.

The purpose of this research is to point out that language do have differences in other culture. It cannot be conclude that same languages equal to same culture. Some of the country share the common languages but they do have their own culture. The example is U.S and Canada, their common language is English but their culture is totally different.

From what we have seen in the society, people always facing the problem in the limitation of languages. If a language has no word for a certain concept, then its speakers would not be able to understand this concept. On the other hand, people might confuse on the word which is same but it do have different meaning. The problem that I wish to address in this research is the language differences in other culture. Especially within this multicultural society as Malaysia, we do share the common languages with other races such as English, Mandarin and Malay. When three different races seat together, we might use English or Malay as a first languages to communicate. By referring to the languages used in our country, I hope people will understand that people do share the same languages but they do not share the same culture.

2) Problem Statement:
As i mentioned before,the problem statement of this topic is the language differences in other culture. Different culture use languages in different ways. People sometimes will confuse on the meaning of certain terms in the use of languages. For an example, in the working places, many executives have been confused to see their Japanese colleagues nod, even when they don’t agree with what is proposed. The reason is that the Japanese word used for agreement, “hai”, means “I understand” or “I am listening”, which is not the same as “sure, I agree.”

The other problem is the indigenous languages don't use the terms like "left" and "right." Instead, everything is talked about in terms of directions north, south, east, west. In the society, the English speakers will normally use the word left or right to show the directions.
On the other hand, people always misunderstand the meaning of certain terms. Such like English likes to describe events in terms of agents doing things. English speakers tend to say things like "John broke the vase" even for accidents. But speakers of Spanish or Japanese would be more likely to say "the vase broke itself".

As I mentioned before, people always confuse on a word which is same spelling and pronunciation but have different meaning. For the example, when Thailand people said 'peng' means expensive, but for Chinese who spoke Cantonese, 'peng' means cheap. Thus, many different words, sayings or phrases that used in culture. Different culture create many different words and phrases but some is still the same thing.

3) Purpose of the content:
The purpose of this research is to find out the languages differences in other culture and to understand the culture through languages. The first objective is to find out whether there is a different between language and culture in the society. From this objective we will be able to find out language act differently in the culture. The second objective is to examine whether learning more languages can get deepest understanding on culture of others. Such like learning Mandarin can get better understanding on the culture of China or Taiwan. Through this objective, we will be able to find out the culture in every country.

4) Review of content:
The article that will be analyzed is from wall street journal written by Lera Boroditsky, 2010. Boroditsky and her colleague Alice Gaby doing an experiment in Aboriginal community in Australia. They found the Aboriginal arranged time from east to west. That is, they seated facing south, and the time went left to right. When they facing north, the time went right to left. When facing east, toward the body, and so on. In this, Boroditsky and Gaby never told the Aboriginal which direction they faced. The conclusion is the Aboriginal not only knew that already, but they also spontaneously used this spatial orientation to construct their representations of time. Boroditsky stated that many other ways to organize time exist in the world's languages. In Mandarin, the future can be below and the past above. In Aymara, spoken in South America, the future is behind and the past in front.

Another article published in The New York Times magazine stated that English does oblige us to specify certain types of information that can be left to the context in other languages. The example is if I want to tell you in English about a dinner with my neighbor, I may not have to mention the neighbor’s sex, but I do have to tell you something about the timing of the event: I have to decide whether we dined, have been dining, are dining, will be dining and so on. Chinese, on the other hand, does not oblige its speakers to specify the exact time of the action in this way, because the same verb form can be used for past, present or future actions. Again, this does not mean that the Chinese are unable to understand the concept of time. But it does mean they are not obliged to think about timing whenever.

5) Research Questions:
Do languages in different culture have differences?
Do language be used to understand the culture of others?


Monday, February 6, 2012

Homework: Audience & Media

Radio stations and television channels available in Malaysia:
1) Radio stations:
-Myfm (number 1 Chinese radio station)
-one fm
-Hitz fm 
-Red fm
-Ai fm 
-Mix fm 
-Lite fm 
-Era fm 
-Fly Fm 
-Sinar fm 

2)TV channels
-TV 1
-TV 2
-TV 3
-NTV 7

Audience Demographic appropriate and psychograhic appropriate:
  • Kids: TV9, Astro, Disney channels, cartoon network, xiao tai yang
  • Teenagers: my fm, one fm, 988, hitz fm, astro, 8TV, ESPN sports, astro 324 channels, KBS world
  • Adults : Tv1,Tv2, Tv3, 8TV, Astro, TVBS asia, Astro AEC channels. Astro 333 channels, Aifm, 988, Suria FM, red fm

Exercise 1: Mass media writing

1. Identify one product.
- Nike
- is a major publicly traded sportswear and equipment supplier
- Slogan: Just do it

2. Write a short treatment to advertise the product in the following mediums.
- radio 
invite the famous sport celebrity to talk about why they love Nike products.
- television
advertise the product during the world cup, Olympics.
- mobile phones
work with few telecommunication company, by giving discount to the user and sending them the information about Nike new arrivals product.
- pamphlets
print the picture of the latest product, the function of the product
- newspaper
ambassador with the Nike product, logo and slogan with colorful images
- billboards
allocate in the eye catchy area, special design

3. Rank each medium:
- most desirable distribution mode
television, because it can reach a high rate on the audience in a short time.
- least desirable distribution mode
pamphlets, because people will read and throw it. They will not keep the pamphlets as a copy or future used.

- communication advantages
Radio-audio expression, music
Television- sense of reality, grab attention
Phone- easily accessed to people
Billboards- big and clear
Newspaper- reach more audiences

- communication disadvantages
Radio- people will only listening to radio when they are driving, working and free time
Television- costly, short time
Phone- people will ignore the messages
Billboards- people will only see the billboards advertisement truly while traffic jam or stop in the traffic light
Newspaper- costly and not easily to catch readers attention
Pamphlets- wasting the natural resources such as tree, people will take and throw

Tutorial 1

How does audience equal profit?

Southeast Asia context: Brunei

Mass media audience: The mass media audiences would be the locals, tourist who read newspaper, watching television, social networking or websites to check out the latest news in their country.

Demographic: The population of Brunei Darussalam is estimated at 348,200. Population growth averages at 2.2% per year. 

Sex %      
Male 53
Female 47 

As an Islamic country, alcohol consumption in public is banned and there is no sale of alcohol in Brunei. Non-Muslims are allowed to purchase a limited amount of alcohol from their point of embarkation overseas for their own private consumption.
Most households own the latest electronic home entertainment systems. Concerts that are held in the country are usually organised or sponsored by different embassies and private companies. The cinemas in the country are popular with teenagers and foreign workers.
The Yayasan Complex has numerous shops selling a variety of branded goods. Although other departmental stores cum supermarkets like Hua Ho, Tiong Hin, Liang Toon and Supa Save offer consumer goods, people in Brunei may travel overseas to Singapore, Kuala Lumpur and the neighbouring towns of Labuan, Miri and Limbang for shopping, entertainment and other leisure pursuits.

Distribution system:
Brunei Darussalam has no personal income tax. There are no export, sales, payroll and manufacturing taxes. The profits of pioneer industries are exempted from tax depending on the amount of capital investment. The company tax is 30% of profit. All companies contribute 10% of local employee salaries to the Employees Provident Fund.

Economical: To boost economic growth, privatization is being introduced to improve efficiency and reliable services. Privatization will be implemented if it will benefit consumers, promote development of financial services and ease the financial and administrative burden of the government.
The 8th NDP has allocated 15.45% or B$1,127.6 million of the total development budget for the industry and commerce sector. Out of this total, the industrial development sector gets B$832.5 million or 11.49%.

Political: The political system in the country is governed by the constitution and the tradition of the Malay Islamic Monarchy, the concept of “Melayu Islam Beraja” (MIB). The three components of MIB cover Malay culture, Islamic religion and the political framework under the monarchy.

Educational:  Malay is the national language and is promoted as a medium of instruction in non-technical subjects. English remains the language of business and education in Brunei Darussalam. Free education is provided to all citizens from pre-school onwards. Amongst the English-medium first degrees which can be obtained from the University of Brunei Darussalam (UBD) are Education, Mathematics & Computer Science, Electronics & Electrical Engineering, Geography/Economics Major, Management Studies and Public Policy & Administration.


About myself

-My name is Too Lay Mei or u can call me Christine.

-I came from the capital city of Malaysia, that is Kuala Lumpur.

-My childhood was about when i was in kindergarten...i am lazy to attended classes...i cried loudly in front my mum when she wanted to bring me to the kindergarten....she force me to seating inside the car and sent me to kindergarten...when the car reached kindergarten, my mum was get out from the car and wanted to open the car door and bring me into the class. But, i locked the car door and continue crying inside the the end, i still attended to class. It is quite funny to remind about my stupid attitude when i was in kindergarten.

-On the other hand, i still miss the first trip my parents bring the whole family traveled to hong kong. That's my first time to took flight when i was in standard four...i really miss the moment travel around with the family.

-I have two sisters and one brother and i am the youngest in the family. My parents is doing businesses and my two sisters and brother are working.

The three experiences making the most lasting impression were:
1) i have participated in the radio and TV station host interview...although i didn't selected from the lists, but at least i dare to tried and join in the interview.
2) felt down in the toilet when i was a children and my head was hurt.
3)first time climbing in broga hills

Ten most important given circumstances are:
2)working as a part time fragrances consultant
3)4 years as a student in HELP
4)host interview in the tv and radio station
5)visit to NGO
6)grandparents and nanny passed away
7)my dog passed away
8) traveled with family
9)stress in study life
10)appreciate the time with my family

-Five most powerful members of my private audience:
1) parents because they always as a supporter in my life..i love and care my parents
2) siblings because without them i will felt lonely.
3)close friends because they always share something with and spent the time together
4)god because god always protect us.
5)my dog because it always make me happy

Friday, February 3, 2012

Interest, Dreams, Aspirations

First, i am a person who like to hanging around with friend...chit chatting,gossiping, shopping, singing and watching movie. besides, i am a super drama fans...i love to watching drama especially taiwan and korea drama. The reason i like watching taiwan and korea drama because all of the storyline is touching and warming. It is all about LOVE. Additionally, majority of the male cast are handsome, that's why i like to watch taiwan and korea drama. Lastly, it is not shy to saying that i am a person who like to sleep....if time allow..i will probably sleep more than 10 hours...=)

my dreams is to successful in life...working harder and earn a lot of money. become millionaire and own a bungalow....driving sport car....traveling all around the world with my parents.

my aspirations is to become a boss in future parents will stay healthy until old...successfully become a TV or radio host after graduates...earns a lot a lot of money to fulfill my needs